Carb Cycling: What are the benefits?

Carb Cycling is an important part of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® program. But what exactly is carb cycling and what are the benefits or carb cycling? Let’s talk all about what it can do for you and how you can benefit from this powerful nutritional strategy.

Carb cycling is an intentional variation of your carb intake from one day to the next. In the #FWTFL, we use it to turn our metabolism into a fat burning machines!

There are several benefits to carb cycling.

  1. Carb cycling promotes lean muscle building, which is key. If you want to jumpstart your metabolism, you have to build some lean muscle. Carb cycling puts your body in that lean muscling mode.

  2. Carb cycling helps to balance hormones, especially in a state of insulin resistance.

  3. You can eat a variety of foods while carb cycling. Good carb sources are typically rich in fiber which does not exclude their consumption on a low carb day. The net carb count can also be beneficial in low glycemic food such as raspberries or blackberries, these too are a great choice on both high and low carb days. Don’t be afraid if carbs!

  4. Carb cycling can also help your body burn fat all of the time. Isn't that what we all want to do, right? Burn fat when you sleep, eat, breath, walk, run, etc.

Carb cycling has so many benefits and we learn all about them in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss®. We can turn your body into a lean, mean, fat burning machine with the help of carb cycling.

carb cycling, faster way to fat loss, carbs, weight loss
Tessa Guevara